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Chinese translation for "national academy"


Related Translations:
navy academy:  海军官校
imperial academy:  帝国学院
pilot academy:  飞行员学院
severnvale academy:  塞文威尔英语学校
thayer academy:  塞耶学院
donglin academy:  东林书院
postgraduate academy:  研究生院
water academy:  水学会
cohen academy:  进科兴学院
state war academy:  国立军事学院
Example Sentences:
1.The issue of airborn carcinogens in the non-occupational environment was thoroughly reviewed by the committee on biologic effects of atmospheric pollutions of the national academy of sciences .
2.Journal of national academy of education administrotion
3.Professor : oslo national academy of art , norway
4.1987 national academy of art and design , bergen , diploma
5.The national academy of science , usa , 2001 , 98 : 404 - 409
Gn算法最大缺点是速度慢,需要o m2n时间。
6.President , institute of medicine , national academy of sciences , usa
7.Mr . song muwen ' s talk about the national academy of chinese theatre arts
8.1978 - 1982 national academy of art and deign , oslo , norway
1978年- 1982年就读于挪威奥斯陆国立艺术与设计学院
9.The study is in the proceedings of the national academy of sciences
该项研究发表于《 (美国)科学院公报》上。
10.Warnock is a distinguished member of the national academy of engineering
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